Team toobs

Team toobs


Our Previous 99 Days' Chronicles

29 Nov 2022
Stray from aloft
Stray from aloft

Our Adventures to Date... 

Here follows the last 99 entries of our Ship's Log before the countdown to our latest adventure:-

"Seas the Day

We have just got weeks to go before we sail off into the sunset on our epic journey to a world of countries, people and cultures. 

Join us on all our platforms, so that we can bring you the best recording of life at sea and land. 

Here follows our life before we set off and all that has led up to this moment:-

28 Nov 2022

Awaiting the weather...

We rest and fettle aboard awaiting the calm seas on the morrow and the favorable winds on the overmorrow.

Hopefully we will be home in Falmouth ready for band practise on Wednesday evening.

24 Nov 2022

Ready to sail again? 

With the filters arriving, and some time to care for the boat, we are almost ready to return to Falmouth.

Sadly, the sea state is reported as being Rough to Very Rough and High in the East. We are in the East of the area area, so we shall have to wait until Sunday when the next possible weather window is available. Hopefully, the sea will be a little more considerate. But, we may be stuck here for a little longer, yet! 

With low winds, we plan to try to rig a completely new vhf aerial and cable today. So, some hard climbing the mast in some chilly weather for me! 

20 Nov 2022
Our Porthole Below the Sea
Our Porthole Below the Sea

The Day We Turned Back... 

It all started with a planned two-day sail to shakedown the boat and find any weaknesses in the system.

Saturday was a near perfect sail with light airs, but calm seas. We decided to make a decent length passage to Fowey and to return the following day before the poor weather set in again Sunday night. 

Gerald the auto helm performed well and helped ease the strain of constantly having to helm. 

The wind was following, so we had the sails goose-winged. The squalls on the horizon, stayed there, so we remained dry throughout. 

Fowey is a stunning high-valley mounted town, with some lovely old buildings stretching back to 16th Century. 

We berthed alongside a pontoon and after a quick test of the local hostelry, got some sleep. 

The forecast for Sunday was light airs with strong winds later, when we expected to be arriving back in Falmouth. 

We left the still waters of Fowey under engine and full sail. 

We did not expect the 2 metre swell and rough seas that met us as we broke out from the coast. We also were not expecting the 20 knot winds, either. 

Quickly fully reefing the sails, we ploughed into the swell which was so sharp and rough, it dislodged the anchor from its housing! When Cpn Kelly went forward to replace it, he was submerged to his waist three times as Stray ploughed into the swell. 

After a testing four hours, the engine suddenly stopped. The severe rocking had mixed old debris sitting safely at the bottom of the fuel tank, and it blocked the fuel filter. 

After another hour of beating to wind under sail, it was clear that the 2 knots way we were eeking would take us into a night sail, and without an engine to make our way into Falmouth. 

The decision was make to head back to Fowey with the wind on our quarter, and we made port in just 2 hours - flying along at 5 to 6 knots and surfing down the waves. 

The fine assistant Harbourmaster came out and waited with a tug to take us safely to a pontoon berth. 

Or sincere thanks to John and Nathan who were patient, smiling and very helpful, as well as clearly skilled for the task! 

So, lessons learned and a stay in Fowey as I await spare filters and ensure all nuts and bolts are free and easy! 

A new aerial and cable will be fitted as our old one failed with the new radio. A spare Gerald to be ready if I accidentally bend the actuating arm carelessly ever again. Better stowage when we go to sea, despite the promise of an easy passage. Rig another fuel filter in parallel to be selected as soon as one becomes blocked. Never trust the forecast completely. Cut an inspection cover into the fuel tank to enable cleaning and inspection. 

Here's a link to the video of us NOT making it back:-

Video Link

17 Nov 2022

Date to Sail! 

Woohoo! 😁 🦴

Our new sailing date for the "Seas the Day" adventure is set! 

New Year's Day 2023

With health rapidly improving and the latest equipment arriving to be fitted, the new day for our latest adventure is finally set. 

One month's work on the boat, final quality time with family, and a last-minute New Years Gig with the old band Jonah's Lift, ready for an early sail on the first day of the year!

This will all begin with a leisurely and exploratory sail up the English Channel towards cinder, but drier countries. 

Let us know which ones YOU want us to visit! 

Of you fancy joining us for the leaving party at Underland, Chintz, Falmouth for the New Year's Eve bash, then get yourselves booked in quickly as there is likely to be quite a rush for the tickets! 

Waif and Stray
Waif and Stray
17 Nov 2022
Poor toobs
Poor toobs

toobs attacked by dog

Poor toobs has had a lucky escape when her ex-friend and walking companion suddenly attacked her. She ended up with six holes in her, including two bad gashes around her eye, and two deep holes in her ear.

Luckily, there seems to be no serious damage, and the pile of medication for her should see her back to normal soon. 

Sadly, no swimming for a week! 

Let's all wish her well. 🤔 🌹 

13 Nov 2022
5 Nov 2022
31 Oct 2022
toobs sailing off on the 1894 Falmouth Quay Punt
toobs sailing off on the 1894 Falmouth Quay Punt "Shira"

toobs making waves across the internet

toobs is making internet waves again as she is chosen with two other dogs to be the pinup hound of Cornish holiday company Beach Retreats.

Not only is she featured on their website at This Link, but also on their Instagram page at This Link.

So, go ahead and take a nosey at toobs' continued fame and some lovely photos by the Cornish Photographer and Stranger Collective's Paul Dicken.

23 Oct 2022
23 Oct 2022
The troublesome ignition switch
The troublesome ignition switch

Last Minute Hold-ups

Sadly, and due to the ongoing health problems of Cpn Kelly, Team toobs have had to postpone our sailing date for our "Seas the Day" adventure. 

Some last-minute failings with engine ignition, water pump, and forward hold flooding, forced Cpn Kelly to make the difficult decision to postpone the sailing date plan.

"It was difficult, due to the expectations of friends, family and followers, but rigorous safety must be the Premier focus," describes expedition leader Cpn Kelly.

"With some integral mission parts failing last minute, and some new equipment yet tested fully, added to the stress making me less than fit and perfectly able, I had to make the difficult decision to postpone. We are not cancelling. Just a measured time of reflection, re-organisation and fettling of the vessel. You just can not take unnecessary chances when it comes to sailing across oceans."

We shall be keeping you all informed of the next plan as soon as it is formulated. 

12 Oct 2022
Hoisting the mainsail
Hoisting the mainsail

Sail Shakedown

Woohoo! Our first sail as a crew!

Team toobs'Crew, Cpn Kelly, Bosun Bucky and 1st Officer Jeremy took Stray out for the first time together, just days before they are due to leave. This was to test the sails and train the crew.

But, not before the crew had fitted the new wind vane, repaired a broken vhf cable, installed a new starter battery and drunk some Rum. 

But, then the Engine would not start! A faulty starter ignition switch halted the sail. After ordering a new one to be collected on the morrow, the old one suddenly worked, just as the crew had given up hope of a sail. 

Wet and foggy conditions lent themselves to good sailing. The crew managed to test the newly refurbished sails, full and reefed, as well as the new storm sail, after Bosun had worked all night fixing the eyes. 

1st Officer was happy and ready for the departure planned for this weekend. 

So, be prepared for a live broadcast!

12 Oct 2022

A name for Waif and Stray!

A name for Waif and Stray
A name for Waif and Stray

The new name stickers were put on the two boats today, and smart they look too!

The font was chosen by the Bosun, and fitting it looks, you will agree!

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