Team toobs

Team toobs


Our Previous 99 Days' Chronicles

11 Feb 2021
11 Feb 2021
Stray takes a battering
Stray takes a battering

Trapped aboard a ship in a storm...

Cpn Kelly and toobs were trapped aboard SV Stray as she was tossed about against her mooring chain in a huge Easterly severe storm.

They battle against 50 knot gusts to secure the decks, check the mooring and safety line and just keep standing as 6 foot waves throw the 10 tonne vessel around like a cork.

Her bow was crashing below the waves one second, then 8 feet above them the next.

Watch our exciting video on Team toobs' Youtube Channel, and get a taste for life aboard a floating home.

Sadly, the mooring failed to hold her and for the second time in two years SV Stray dragged her mooring towards another vessel. Last time it resulted in damage to two yachts and a wrecked dinghy. This time Cpn Kelly spotted the failure before they collided and was forced to call the Coastguard (as the Harbour Master was again unreachable). The Harbour Master team were summoned by the CG and SV Stray was moved to a more secure mooring.

So, {Click Here) to watch the amazing video of how we nearly lost our boat, again! (And, again, not our fault!) or click on the huge video screen above this post!

25 Dec 2020

She Did It!

Yes! toobs is, indeed, the first dog ever to swim the recorded distance across The English Channel!

Greeted by Their Worshipful Mayor and Mayoress of Falmouth and well-wishers braving the squally winds and rain, toobs completed her final leg of her epic 45-day swim of 20 miles.


would like to thank all those supporters who contributed to her efforts by sponsoring her swim and helping all those dogs less fortunate than her, and all the 'toobular Kids' who took part in competitions, fun and games on the tK Page.

Team toobs

Wishes Ye All


Great 2021!

The moment she finally landed ashore!
The moment she finally landed ashore!
23 Dec 2020

It is Official!

  The Worshipful Mayor of Falmouth Steve Eva will be honouring toobs with his attendance in recognition and support of her venture.

Meeting at The Prince of Wales Pier, Falmouth tomorrow (Christmas Eve) for the arrival @14:00 hrs of toobs on her last leg of the swim.

Come and join us for an epic canine occasion and have your picture taken with The Mayor of Falmouth.


22 Dec 2020

Day 43 - 99% there!

Day 43
Day 43

Yes! She has almost made it!

To keep with COVID-19 restrictions placed on us from France, we are not allowed to land in their country.

So, on Christmas Eve at 2pm, toobs will swim her last leg into Falmouth, Cornwall, England to arrive at The Prince of Wales Pier at Steps No.4.

Come and applaud her, then have your historic photograph taken with her, (in what may be your last chance of fresh air for a while,) from the roomy, airy and socially distancing Prince of Wales pier.

If you do not wish to be part of this epic record-breaking moment, or can not get away from work or home, then watch LIVE by clicking on this link to the official Underdogs- Team Toobs Facebook page:-

{Team toobs LIVE Broadcast

Money Raised

The total sponsored so far by wonderful people is:-


Well Done,


But, toobs has nearly swum 20 miles in cold seas to raise £1,000,

so please tell your friends about this amazing challenge and lets give those poor dogs who are less fortunate than toobs a really nice Christmas!

Swim Stats
Swim Stats
20 Dec 2020

Day 41 - We can see the beach!

Well, we have had some firsts over the last few days!

On Thursday, toobs simply decided that she did not want to swim! We are all very careful to monitor toobs, her fitness, condition and mental state. She is normally absolutely buzzing for a swim, every single time we climb into the dinghy, but this day she just did not seem to want to. We all have our off days, so we let her rest and do what SHE wanted - which was to run around after balls!

Then we had the hardest row yet this challenge! The Friday winds were so strong that I had to row against them to stop me from blowing past toobs! This meant that I had an evil row back to the support boat, that took all my strength in the howling gale and rain. It was so windy, we could not keep the yacht's heater going.

Today is the calm before the next storm, which is how we have mostly been swimming all this week. With such bad winds, we have to go swimming when there is a lull, despite the high waves, chilly temperatures and that it happens to be pitch dark out there!

It is always hardest nearing the end of an endurance attempt, but we are about 3 days from the French coast and toobs' entering the record books.

We are a bit short of our planned target of £1,000, so please pass on to your friends and think of toobs in the cold sea swimming to help dogs less fortunate than her.

{Click Here to Sponsor toobs}

Day 41
Day 41
16 Dec 2020

Day 37 - Broken Oars and Oily Seas

Day 37
Day 37

Holy Sploogs! Look how close we are now!

We have had an eventful few days, but despite the huge Gales that have blown, we have managed to avoid the weather and pop out for a swim in the calm in between.

Yesterday we set off just after the severe gale came through at 06:00 and the sea was still a bit choppy. toobs went completely the wrong way and as I turned to gather her up, I snapped an oar! That is quite serious at sea when you are in a dinghy with no engine! Luckily my skulling skills are just above rubbish, so we managed to limp back to the support boat. (Skulling is when you use one oar in a side to side motion in the water tilting it one way, then the other.)

So, toobs did a short swim that day, but then the usual today, after we set the humungous 9ft oars up in our little dinghy! Some adjustments are needed, as I had to row cross-handed! The howling hoollie that blew all night long, and tossed our 10 tonne yacht around like a cork, subsided so abruptly it was as if God had just switched the Gale off with a switch. The sea died down in just half and hour and looked like it was oil! With strange gentle surging movements, but no crests or waves. Very eerie!

So, toobs is on target to complete the Channel Swim by Christmas Eve.

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