Team toobs

Team toobs


Our Previous 99 Days' Chronicles

19 Sep 2022
Stray's teak cockpit after oiling
Stray's teak cockpit after oiling

Oilling the Poop Deck

Bosun Nicky spent the day sanding and oilling the aftmost (back) part of the ship - the cockpit (or poop deck!)

A strenuous job, and beyond the point muscles of the Captain, two coats were added to the Teak deck, seating and Lazarette (aft hatchway). As well as various Oak fittings and rails. 

toobs on the foredeck
toobs on the foredeck

Amazing photos from a talented photographer 

Photographer Jenna Foxton has sent us some of her lovely photographs of the legend toobs, with a sprinkling of some pirate captain, too! 

Follow our Team toobs Instagram account for the most up to date snaps of our adventures. 

18 Sep 2022
Stray, with her mainsail missing
Stray, with her mainsail missing

First Officer's First Visit

New Team toobs Crew member, Jeremy, made his first visit to Stray to examine the vessel and to help steer a work program for the last two weeks before Sail Day 1.

First Officer Jeremy has kindly offered to assist the crew in that all-important first leg out into the Atlantic to Spain. To ensure top safety, he has offered his expertise and experience to be a watch leader. This will help take the workload off the shoulders of Captain Kelly. 

He was impressed with the sheer solidity of Stray, and was pleased with the present plan. 

Amodified plan was formulated, after a close examination was made. 

As already scheduled, the mainsail was removed for minor repairs, with the addition of an extra third reef to be added as advised by First Officer Jeremy. 

The foresail will go next, into the expert hands of the renowned Dave the Sailmaker. 

17 Sep 2022

What a busy day! 

First we emptied all the things we no longer needed aboard. Some for the skip. Some for charity.

Then we filled up the 500ltr water tank and launched our brand new dinghy - sponsored by patron Glenn Booth of Royston. We gave her a Maiden voyage and christened her after the Bosun's daughter - Weezie!

Then we took ashore the 4-man liferaft, as we have a brand new one aboard. Anyone want an unused liferaft? Going cheap! 

And finally got back to our mooring for a well-earned Rum! 

16 Sep 2022

Hi ho! 

A busy day painting our hand-made aluminium mast steps, ready to fit. While John and Jake from the wonderful Riggers-UK fit our stainless steel and bronze bob and whisker stays, that were damaged by a boat hitting us last year. Then the last coat on the foredeck ready for the dinghy-mount to be built. 

15 Sep 2022

World-class Photo Shoot

toobs being exceedingly toobular
toobs being exceedingly toobular

As part of the "Beach RetreatsCornish Life Showcase, the creative company "Stranger Collective" sent a wonderful photographer Jenna Foxton to capture the essence that is "toobs the wonder dog". Keen to show off canine legends and lifestyles, Beach Retreats are parading to the world articles about the lives of Kernow canines. 

Or photographer and toobs spent several hours on the deck of our home "Stray", as well as the Prince of Wales Pier, capturing wonderful images of toobs posing and swimming.

We hope to share many of them with you as soon as she has processed them, and look forward to the promotional piece that shows world visitors our beautiful land where canine legends preside within the Walls of Corn. 

For a look at Jenna's magnificent work,

14 Sep 2022

Hard work, despite my head! 

I had a bad head day today. This means that I am incapable of much productive thought or effort.

Luckily, it eased by the late afternoon and I was able to put a second coat on the mast ladders, and a coat of grippy paint on the fore deck. 

Cpn Kelly

Mast ladders being primed
Mast ladders being primed
13 Sep 2022

Last Physio

A last visit to the wonderful physiotherapist at Falmouth Hospital, for her to perform wonders again on Cpn Kelly's frozen shoulder.

Initially producing extreme pain and very limited mobility, his shoulder has been transformed with injections and manipulation, to make it more useful and less painful. 

We are happy to announce that all this hard work has seriously improved Cpn Kelly's condition, and we expect that over time, and with continued exercises, a near full recovery will be accomplished. 

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