Team toobs

Team toobs


Our Previous 99 Days' Chronicles

3 Sep 2022
toobs pausing for a photo
toobs pausing for a photo

Quality time with the family

Team toobs splits up and go their own way to spend some last minute quality time with their respective families, before the big adventure begins.

Bosun Nicky is off with her children and Bigdog, on a holiday in the sticks. While Cpn Kelly and toobs head to the East Coast to catch up with Mumsy and Pa, then on to marry his sister Bees and Garry (because Pirate Captains can do that sort of thing) and then blow up some digital tanks with his brother Glenn. 🤔 

2 Sep 2022

End of an Era. Beginning a new Chapter... 

The Awesome Folk-Rock Band - Jonah's Lift
The Awesome Folk-Rock Band - Jonah's Lift

Cpn Kelly had his last gig with his awesome band Jonah's Lift, after 14 years, and hundreds of gigs.

He founded the band in 2008 with a crew of six others and developed the band with a myriad of performers over the years, melding it into the fun, engaging, foot-stomping group it is today. 

They carry on without him, continuing to make hundreds happy with their eclectic mix of folk, rock, and original songs of tales of drinking, espionage and murder! 🤔 What a blend! Something for everyone!

Guaranteed not to allow you to be bored, Team toobs challenges you all to get out and enjoy them when they perform at a wedding, festival or pub near you!

2 Sep 2022
Waif and Stray
Waif and Stray

A big painting day

We managed to paint the last side of Stray, as well as the last topcoat on her foredeck. 🤔

All that is left is the antislip paint for good grip on the tossing seas. 

A lot of work for the team, but Cpn Kelly is paying for it today, as he is racked with some hideous muscle cramps! 

Should have let toobs do more. 🤔 

31 Aug 2022
Aluminium plates awaiting magic
Aluminium plates awaiting magic

Ooo! What's that? 🤔 

So, the wonderful guys @PKFabrications are about to perform some magic on my 20 boring-looking aluminium plates.

Any guys as to what they will make for me? 

Plates are 6mm thick, 50mm wide and 500mm long. Bending and drilling will be involved. 

31 Aug 2022

Doctor, doctor.... 

Cpn Kelly is having his injections in his severely arthritic thumbs so he can use them again. This means he can stop drinking pints from a Tommy Tippee mug. toobs will no longer be embarrassed!

30 Aug 2022
Bosun Nicky does a good job on the foredeck.
Bosun Nicky does a good job on the foredeck.

Deck Painting

Team toobs worked on clearing, scraping and priming the foredeck of Stray, today. 

Just two coats of deck paint and two coats of non-slip to go! 

28 Aug 2022

Commitment to change our lives

Waif and Stray - under preparation
Waif and Stray - under preparation

After 8 months of testing, scans and hours of doctors' time, team leader Captain Kelly (Wayne) has decided to set sail into the sunset with Bosun Nicky and Ship's Dog toobs in search of adventures on land and sea.

In order to begin this voyage, many friends have been mustered to help Cpn Kelly get the yacht ready to take on the autumn storms and seas.

This means new equipment, modifications, clothing and charts.

Follow us on our social media channels, and maybe consider becoming part of our patron crew to help steer and support our latest adventure.

27 Mar 2022
21 Mar 2022

Dog of the Week! 

toobs was selected yesterday to be next week's "Falmouth Boathouse Dog of the Week"!

The famous pub and restaurant has begun an award to honor the lovely dogs that venture in their wonderful establishment. 

A relatively new award, toobs will feature on their Instagram (@theboathousefalmouth) and Facebook presence from Sunday onwards. 

She had her photo taken with the owner David and Supervisor Clodagh to record the award, and hopes to attend with pride for a quickie before rowing back home. 

18 Mar 2022

Illness Latest News

Team toobs' driver, Cpn Kelly, had the results of his EMG this week and it appears that damage to his C5, C6 and C7 vertibrae are causing the painful muscle spasms and cramps.

He hopes to have his MRI scan soon to confirm the diagnosis. He continues to be under TOTAL rest orders and is struggling as his fitness and  physique fades to that of a pink slug. 

He has booked membership with a spa and fitness centre at which he hopes to regain his former fitness as soon as he is given medical permission to do so. 

16 Feb 2022

Mysterious Illness hits the Team

Hi there, good toobular folk!

A strange and so far undiagnosed illness has struck Team toobs member Cpn Kelly (Wayne). A painful muscular pain has quickly enveloped his body over the last few weeks to a point where he is not able to work or perform many usual life-duties.

Despite weeks of tests, the Doctors are mystified and have placed him in the care of the Truro specialists, where he awaits an EMG (Electromyograph) to help diagnose further.

Managing to do very little, he is holed up with toobs aboard SV Stray awaiting an appointment.

Cpn Kelly

24 Dec 2021
toobs' big tongue after a 3 mile bikejör
toobs' big tongue after a 3 mile bikejör

New Picture/Video Competition!!! 

Ahoy, tKs (toobular Kids) and all friends of toobs!

One year today, toobs completed her epic swim across The English Channel. 

In celebration, we want you to help us find adventurous pets from all over the world! We want photos, videos, or hand - drawn pictures of your pets (or imaginary pets) doing adventurous stuff.  

Your picture can be anything! Like:- jumping over a log, splashing in water, running really fast, or some trick you have trained your pet to do. Or a picture of a pet you would like to own, doing something adventurous. 

toobs will select the picture or video she likes best each season, and the winner will receive a prize of a famous toobular mug, nightshirt, or a book. 

To enter :- visit the toobular Kids Page. 

25 May 2021

toobs immortalised in popular Falmouth pub bar

The Quayside Inn bar mural
The Quayside Inn bar mural

The wonderful crew at the Quayside Inn, Falmouth have been busy improving their lovely alehouse and eatery during lockdown with some wonderful art throughout their pub, including homages to local characters, and this huge fresco depicting the adventures of Team toobs. 

Manager "Day" and other artists in their team, have collaborated to create stunning artwork to grab your attention. 

This one shows toobs standing on the Quay, diving off the steps and swimming in the sea, as I struggle to keep up in the dinghy! 

Day says that they heard of the adventure and decided to immortalise toobs' efforts in this characterful rendition. The detail is great, capturing the rough seas, toobs' floppy lugs, and even her life jacket! 

So, go see this epic piece of art and partake in the best pub grub in town! 

And tell us what you think of the artwork in the comments box below. 

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