Team toobs

Team toobs


Our Previous 99 Days' Chronicles

22 Nov 2020
Day 13
Day 13

Day 13 - Light Vessels and Mist!

The sea state was lovely and flat today, but the visibility was very poor at times. Fog horns could be heard tooting about us, but we could still see the Varne Light Ship!

toobs got in two big swims, today!

A big tanker is due on the morrow, so should see her sploogle-on by!

21 Nov 2020

Day 12 - 1/4 The Way There!

Day 12
Day 12

We have entered the most dangerous part of the crossing, but we have reached 1/4 of the way there!

With big supertankers steaming on by, we have to keep a good lookout well in advance, because toobs does not move out of the way all that fast and the tankers can not turn or brake very fast!

Fingers crossed, everyone!

Hopefully, we should be able to bring you pictures of toobs swimming past the Varne Lightship tomorrow!

20 Nov 2020
Day 11
Day 11

Day 11 - Traffic Separation Scheme

toobs completed another good leg today and is now on the edge of the TSS - Traffic Separation Scheme in the English Channel. This is like a dual carriageway of the seas, with vessels passing us from left to right on this side. We have to cross at 90 degrees to cause as little obstruction as possible.

Tomorrow we enter the busiest part of the busiest stretch of water in the WHOLE WORLD.

19 Nov 2020
Day 10
Day 10

Day 10 - Faster than the Channel Tunnel?

Despite a severe cross-wind, toobs swam like a dolphin, yesterday, then on reaching our support boat, insisted on another swim!

We managed to get some underwater footage of her, and hope to get more tomorrow to make a new video. 

The Grey Line, that you see passing our path on the chart above, is the route of the Channel Tunnel. As quick as toobs is, she can not quite compete with a high speed train, although records show that she is actually more streamlined.

18 Nov 2020

Day 9 - Over 20% there!

Day 9 Distance
Day 9 Distance

Woohoo! We have passed the 20% distance marker and 23% of the target sponsorship. toobs is still going strong!

We may extend our swim legs on the morrow as toobs is just so keen to swim more. She is being carefully monitored for her health and for any signs of stiffness. But, as she swims this distance every day, it is unlikely that she will begin to suffer at all!

toobs' current resting heartrate is 60bpm. This is at the fittest end of the spectrum for a Border Collie.

No worries there then!

17 Nov 2020

Day 8 - What a Busy Day!

Not only have we completed 3 interviews, 3 photo shoots, one film session and a live appearance on the news at 6, but toobs managed to squeeze in TWO great swims today covering over 0.7 of a nautical mile.

PLUS she had to swim against a huge tidal stream, as well!

What a day!

Also check out our Friends of toobs Club Page for pictures of the latest friends we have met today!

(See Chart above for swim statistics)

16 Nov 2020

Day 7 - A Gentler Ride

Day 7
Day 7

toobs manages a good 0.318nm today with much more pleasant weather.

When she had completed her leg, she just wanted to jump back in and go again!


Wind: Near Gale F7

Sea State: Moderate

Total for Day 7 = 0.318nm (0.37mi) 

Distance From Dover = 2.45nm (2.82mi)

Distance Left to Swim = 14.91nm (17.16mi)

Challenge Complete = 14%

15 Nov 2020
toobs surfs the swell as she swims in Force 10
toobs surfs the swell as she swims in Force 10
15 Nov 2020

Day 6 - Storm Force 10!!!!

Despite the Gale Force 8 to Storm Force 10 winds and high seas, toobs STILL went out between squalls to complete today's Leg.

Please click on the new fun video link below to enjoy more of the toobular antics.

{toobs' latest video}


Leg 6.1 = 0.300nm (0.35mi)

Wind: Gale to Storm F8-10

Sea State: Rough to Very Rough

Total for Day 6 = 0.310nm (0.36mi) 

Distance From Dover = 2.13nm (2.45mi)

Distance Left to Swim = 15.23nm (17.52mi)

Challenge Complete = 12%

The distance across so far...
The distance across so far...
14 Nov 2020
£100 reached
£100 reached


We are joyous to announce that we have just reached £100 towards our £1,000 goal and have now JUST behind toobs on her goal of reaching France!

Thanks to all those who have so generously donated and to remind folks to pass on our story to dog-lovers everywhere!


14 Nov 2020

Day 5 - Severe Gale Does Not Stop toobs!

Despite the severe gale (F9) blowing, toobs just did not want to be thwarted. So off she went!

Due to the conditions, we were unable to video, but we are uploading a time-lapse of yesterday's easier swim.

We also made a visit ashore and met some new 'Friends of toobs'. Take a look at our 'Friends of toobs Club' tab and see who is proud to be one!


So far we have raised a mightily fine £80 towards our target £1,000. Thank you to all those who have helped so far.

This amount is the same percentage to our target as toobs has swum The Channel! So let's boost the coffers by telling all your friends!

Just Remember - Cold Water; 20 miles; One Month of Swimming; Warty Old Seadog; etc.....


Leg 5.1 = 0.300nm (0.35mi)

Wind: Gale to Severe Gale F8-9

Sea State: Rough to Very Rough

Total for Day 5 = 0.300nm (0.35mi) 

Distance From Dover = 1.822nm (2.1mi)

Distance Left to Swim = 15.538nm (17.9mi)

13 Nov 2020

DAY 4 - Another Calm Day! 

Although today is Friday 13th, Team toobs was blessed with lucky weather and a lovely calm day out there. 

toobs managed a great swim and did not want to stop! 


Leg 4.1 = 0.396nm (0.46mi)

Wind: Light Breeze

Sea State: Slight

Total for Day 4 = 0.396nm (0.46mi)

Distance From Dover = 1.522nm (1.75mi)

Distance Left to Swim = 15. 838nm (18.25mi)

12 Nov 2020

Day 3 - toobs Meets Mermaids!

An amazing day with lumpy seas, gusty winds and a swim with two mermaids! Who'd have thought it?

And here's a link to the amazing Day 3 Video:

{Team toobs - English Channel Swim - Day 3}


Leg 3.1 = 0.386nm (0.44mi)

Wind: Fresh Breeze

Sea State: Moderate

Total for Day 3 = 0.386nm (0.44mi)

Distance From Dover = 1.126nm (1.30mi)

Distance Left to Swim = 16.234nm (18.68mi)

Day 3 - 16.2nm to go
Day 3 - 16.2nm to go
11 Nov 2020

Day 2 - toobs Decides Not To Swim

toobs thinks it is too rough
toobs thinks it is too rough

After watching the ferries trying to escape from Dover, toobs decides it best to try tomorrow instead.


Leg 2.1 = 0.0nm (0.0mi)

Wind: gusting 40knots

Sea State: Rough

Total for Day 2 = 0.0nm (0.0mi)

Photo by
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