Team toobs

Team toobs


Ship's Log for our "Seas the Day" Adventure

7 Dec 2022

New YouTube Adventure Playlist for toobs... 

-3W 1D - Swinging Mooring, Falmouth

Max 18.9°C  89%

Min 3.4°C  43%

Ahoy, me toob-lovers!

Follow the link on the log entry below, or click this:-

toobs' Advent Adventures

And enjoy the latest fun toobs is having on the build-up to Christmas. 

7 Dec 2022
2 Dec 2022
toobs is happy to be ashore again.
toobs is happy to be ashore again.

-3W 6D - Swinging Mooring, Falmouth

Max 11.9°C  92%

Min 3.7°C  61%

1 Dec 2022
toobs loving her comfy Safety Bed
toobs loving her comfy Safety Bed

Rest Day!

-4W 0D - Swinging Mooring, Falmouth

Max 11.9°C  92%

Min 7.5°C  63%

A well-earned rest today after a long sail yesterday and a long practise with the band Jonah's Lift, preparing for the leaving party on New Year's Eve.

30 Nov 2022

What a Great Sail!

-4W 1D - Swinging Mooring, Falmouth

Max 14.4°C  96%

Min 6.8°C 61% 

Cpn Kelly and toobs had a lovely sail 25nm back to Falmouth in a gentle Southerly of around 10 knots.

After a tentative start with triple-reefed Main and Genoa, we let rip with all the canvas and positively flew home at near hull speed of 6 knots!

Some great footage to come in a video soon, but a little taster here with this remarkable shot of a friendly trawler as they waved us by. 

A local working trawler waves us by
A local working trawler waves us by
29 Nov 2022
The friendliest village of Fowey
The friendliest village of Fowey

Last Day in Lovely Fowey

-4W 2D - Penmarlin Pontoon, Fowey

Max 11.5°C  98%

Min 3.7°C  81%

Team toobs are going to be very sad to leave Fowey and the unbelievably friendly and helpful folk. Every person we have met in the last week, from the Harbour Crew to the lifeboat trainees, from the fudge shop ladies to the Spar shop crew, from the alehouse folk to the alehouse folk! Every person we have met has been friendly and helpful, and we would like to thank every last one of them for looking after us and supporting our endeavours.

A last tidy of the ship, now, ready to sail back to Falmouth on the morrow. Just Cpn Kelly and toobs with some serious help from Gerald the Autohelm. 

A quick visit to the Harbourmaster with a thank you present is planned. That should test the hole-filling on the dinghy! 

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