Team toobs

Team toobs


Ship's Log for our "Seas the Day" Adventure

13 Jan 2023



10 Jan 2023
The new Laptop and Social Media Equipment
The new Laptop and Social Media Equipment

Download Time - Day 10

I forgot how much effort it takes an old rusty, warty brain like mine to learn new editing software, download all the software and connect all the hardware on a brand new computer in order to process and upload the long-awaited first video of Seas the Day.

A poor signal in the valley caused so much failure and pain, my poor brain nearly jumped ship!

About set up for full-on social media work now! Let me know how it appears, but be patient as I catch up with the editing and equipment.

8 Jan 2023
Peace descends once more as toobs and I are alone
Peace descends once more as toobs and I are alone

Guests to Stay - Day 7/8

It can be very tiring having guests to stay! It is so lovely to share such wonderful times and beautiful countryside with those you care about. But, two days of socialising and walking miles takes its toll.

A definite rest day, or I may get the Black Dog visiting.

6 Jan 2023
The Black Dog
The Black Dog

The Black Dog

As Sir Winston Churchill suffered from the same illness as I, and called it his Black Dog whenever it reared its head, I have adopted the same to show that at times the stresses of life, adventure, and sometimes nothing at all, can set off a bout of depression that can cloud the mind beyond effectiveness, deliver extreme physical fatigue, and form a mindset that requires peace and solitude to await its passing.

Welcome to the Black Dog.

3 Jan 2023
toobs happy to be relaxing on the pontoon
toobs happy to be relaxing on the pontoon

A Day of Rest - Day 3

With all the pressures of a last ever gig, last minute preparations and provisions, saying goodbyes and a bad night's sleep on 1st, I was ready for a day chilling and sleeping.

So was toobs.

2 Jan 2023
Our Course on Day 2
Our Course on Day 2

Day 2 of Leg 1 - Falmouth to Fowey

What a difference a day makes!

I spent the morning working out that the supposedly 300ltr fuel tank that is completely inaccessible and has no level gauge, is ACTUALLY 150ltrs!

This caused the embarrassing state of actually running uot of fuel on the first day!

After christening "Weezy" the inflatable with an epic 2m row to get fuel and a spare tank, I fitted said tank and set off again. Only to realise that the rail injection system on the engine pumps 80% of the fuel back into the main tank - using up the fuel I had in just 1 hour!

So, I used the spare container of fuel to top up the main tank and set this tank back up again, returning to fill it at Falmouth.

Finally, by 14:10hrs, we were finally motor-sailing to Fowey. At least we had a hint of wind to help now.

A stunning sunny clear day gave many an opportunity for good footage including a night-time live recording into Fowey River, navigating by the lights alone.

Happy to have finally left Falmouth, and confident in the fuel tank situation at last, it was a relaxed sleep after berthing against the pontoons ready for the predicted gales to arrive.

Follow this link or click on the video below to see the full 42 minute video of the passage.

2 Jan 2023
1 Jan 2023
Our First Day of just 4nm
Our First Day of just 4nm

Day 1 - Falmouth to Anchorage

After an amazing night playing for the last time with my band of 14 years - Jonah's Lift, and a night of serious drinking by one of the members resulting in severe illness as they stayed on my boat.....

I had an amazing send-off from friends and well-wishers who all came down for a tot of Rum before helping me back Stray out of her berth.

After a relaxed sail-by and many photos, toobs and I (with the help from Gerald the Autohelm) motorsailed out to complete a sail-by off Pendenis Point for some flares and waving, cheering and general smiles.

Sadly, the gale-force wind and huge swell had other ideas!

We were blasted as we tried to tack toward the well-wishers, and after engine trouble, much boinging around, we set off our signal flares (under the eyes and permission of The Falmouth Coastguard) and I headed back in for the planned night at anchor off Trefusis Point. It was while trying to keep from a lee shore, and without engine, I lost my beloved pirate hat as it blew from my head and bobbed away out of reach. With no way of getting back to it without risking losing way against the gale, I had to let it go...

Dropped anchor with a 2m swell on the beam and the most uncomfortable night I have witnessed in 25 years of living on the water.

31 Dec 2022
Jenni Hendrix and Rosie McFiddle giving it their all...
Jenni Hendrix and Rosie McFiddle giving it their all...

New Years Eve Party

After collecting my mail and packages from The Mariners (including my new laptop!) I had to stock the boat with fresh food and make a stew for the first week.

Then a quick practice on the Splooglehorn, Bodhran, Low and High Whistles and worms, ready for my very last gig with my old band Jonah's Lift. 14 years since I originally formed the band, I am the last original member and going to be very sad to miss the performance, music and camaraderie.

New Year's Eve playing the music I love, with musicians I love, making the fans that I love very happy indeed!

03:30 toobs and I got to our bunks!

29 Dec 2022
Quality Time with the Folks!
Quality Time with the Folks!

Back from the Family visit!

What a wonderful two weeks we have had! 

Oodles of trains, four full days at each location, and the chance to unwind before the final push for the big sail.

Mells of Ingold and the Stone of Royse were the towns and we managed to almost miss the strikes. The last leg from Skegness to Royston was cancelled without arming and my good friends Lyndon and Jo happen to be passing on the A1 and took a diversion to meet me off the bus.

Quality time with games of Escape from Colditz, Backgammon, walkies and pub surfing.

Yummy food made by Mumsie, of course, and a superb Yuletide breakfast from Bees set us up for the day!

Although it has been such fun, I am worn out after all the travelling and socialising.

18 Dec 2022
toobs at rest
toobs at rest

Wet and Windy

-2W 0D - Port Pendennis Marina, Falmouth

Max 11.9°C  99%

Min 5.6°C  48%

Just two weeks to go and the day before our country-wide train extravaganza, and toobs snoozes off her wet walk readying for the fun to start on the morrow. 

Last-minute laundry to be done and fitting the mastfoot bilge pump. 

17 Dec 2022
A Titanic moment...
A Titanic moment...

Maenporth Crew Visit


Our wonderful patrons and followers "The Maenporth Crew" came for a crew-eyed inspection of SV Stray and the tea-making facilities.

Ginger cake was nommed by all, and close examination was made of every crammed-in piece of food! 🤔 

I am glad that they all had a hoot, and wish them all a lovely Yuletide. 

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